Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On the Move... Again.


For those of you who don't already know... We are moving! Again!

It's been 16 glorious months back in the States and we have recently found out that we are moving to Den Haag, The Netherlands. We were a little surprised and shocked at first, especially since the wounds of moving back from Singapore were still fairly fresh in our minds. But the more we thought about it, the more we realized that this would be an amazing opportunity for all of us and we really couldn't pass it up.

B's new company that he works for is based in Rotterdam. He will be going to the office to head the reorganization of the company's Europe and Asia operations.

We visited Amsterdam and the surrounding area over Labor Day weekend. We visited schools, looked at housing and toured the area. We all fell in love with the Dutch charm.

I am hoping to keep the blog updated as to our travels and experiences in Europe... IF I can get back into the habit!!!

See you on the flip side ;-)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The start of a new school year...

The kids have been in school for a few weeks now. After the initial shock of "I bought school supplies at the end of the year, and I still need what???", they are settled into a routine. V loves being a big kid in 7th grade and loves all the freedom that comes with it. He made the off-season basketball class and was so proud. With Orchestra, basketball at Legends and Algebra - he is pretty tied up. He handles it like a champ - I am an extremely proud mom!

S is back to the same attitude of "I love school, but I don't like school". He is also busy between Legends basketball, mathnasium and schoolwork. One smart, smart cookie that doesn't apply himself to his fullest potential. He keeps me hopping, that's for sure!

B has been pretty busy with his new job, travels quite a bit. When he is in town, his schedule is pretty grueling. We look forward to weekends when we can spend a little time with him.

Myself, you ask? Just trying to keep my head above water getting these kiddos to keep on moving... Still crazy, I don't think there's any hope for me :-)

I am definitely going to try to keep this up - I have missed the blog and am ready for more - chat soon!


Monday, March 29, 2010

New Beginnings...

So, I realize it's almost been a year since any post whatsoever.

I've changed the name of the blog and am ready to start again :-)

In a nutshell, after moving back from Singapore - I think I felt a little displaced. It was odd to have experienced this amazing place that we LOVED so much and be yanked from there so quickly. When we got back and finally got back in to the swing of things, it was almost as if we had never left. Don't get me wrong - with only being gone a year - it was very easy for the kids to assimilate back into their routines, and that was a blessing.

And even though we were gone for such a short time, we thought we were going to be over there longer - so we sold EVERYTHING - down to the electric can opener. We're still replacing things :-)

But, we are settled and happy - I had missed my friends and family terribly. And we are happy for the new friends we are making along the way.
