I walked up the path to the trail around the reservoir and was just HIT with the beauty of the area.

In the hustle and bustle of Singapore, it was so incredibly quiet that I turned off my music just to listen to the water and the birds. All along the path there were signs that told about the plants, wildlife and reservoir itself.

I stopped at a map to check out the various trails and decided on a short 5K walk.
I ended up walking a bit further than I had hoped and got a little lost. By the time I realized I was lost, I was about 6K into a 11K trail. Most of the trail is shrouded under the trees and the terrain is very uneven. I only had my joggers on, no trail shoes, no water, no carry pack, not dressed properly.
I decided to take it easy during the remainder of the walk seeing as I was committed.
They have an observation tower that you can climb up to see the surrounding skyline.

They also have a 5K treetop walk on a suspension bridge where you can do just that - walk among the treetops. After realizing that I wasn't even 2/3rds of the way through this trail, I was starting to get tired. My knee was hurting, I was itchy from bug bites and running into spiderwebs. It was tiring trying to navigate the path. It was tiring trying to decipher which way was "out". It was tiring trying to decide if needed to pass the large monkeys that decided to block my way. By this point, I was wondering if this was a nice place after all. Any other day - I would have enjoyed it, but not being prepared was a real letdown.
After a total of about 13 K, I finally made it out of the woods and was just so happy to see that I only had a 10 minute walk to my car. At one point along the path to the car, there were some people on the side in a grassy area with about 15 elderly in wheelchairs. They were singing to them and feeding them Popsicles and smiling with them. And my immediate thought was "ME, ME, ME". I was whining because I was tired. I can't imagine how tirelessly these amazing people worked night and day to take care of these elderly patients.
My next thought was "This truly is Heaven on earth".

WOW! I wish we had a place like that here to walk...makes the greenbelts look pitiful!
Your pictures and stories are so neat to read! I'm really enjoying keeping up with you guys!
Isn't it amazing how the elderly are cherished in other countries? ...held in such high regard within society, maintaining respect and dignity? That reminded me of our holiday project a few years ago. Our office filled gift bags with hair and bath products, paper towels, books, and socks, and distributed them to a shelter for the elderly in a dusty part of Houston far from the lush trails of The Woodlands. The residents were grateful for the gifts, but more excited to have visitors! According to the director of the home, most of them were brought there by their own families - and forgotten. So sad.
Did you say MONKEYS? Real monkeys?
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