Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Wednesday

I am sitting here in the apartment - looking out on Den Haag and a beautiful day. It is sunny, not too terribly windy and not too terribly cold. I love seeing the sun. When I lived in Jersey when V was a baby - I was one that was affected by SAD (seasonal affectation disorder). I was not happy when we went days without seeing the sun. I think getting through this first winter here will be tough - but it can only get better... right?

Had a wonderful morning running around with our lovely relo representative trying to get customs papers and parking permits in order. I conquered my slight fear of riding the local tram and of course, it was as easy as I thought it would be. After many laughs and good conversation, I left her around lunchtime to find S some presents for his birthday. I was very successful, it didn't take me long at all. I cannot believe my baby will be 10 this Sunday - double digits!

I still marvel at the bike riding abilities of the Dutch. I am still working on not walking in the bike paths - I get "belled" once a day. People here are very friendly - and even more so if you try to speak the language. Wish me luck as I get behind the wheel of a car for the first time here on Sunday... I saw a biker that was almost hit by a car today - my biggest fear!

It has been a good day :-)

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