Monday, March 29, 2010

New Beginnings...

So, I realize it's almost been a year since any post whatsoever.

I've changed the name of the blog and am ready to start again :-)

In a nutshell, after moving back from Singapore - I think I felt a little displaced. It was odd to have experienced this amazing place that we LOVED so much and be yanked from there so quickly. When we got back and finally got back in to the swing of things, it was almost as if we had never left. Don't get me wrong - with only being gone a year - it was very easy for the kids to assimilate back into their routines, and that was a blessing.

And even though we were gone for such a short time, we thought we were going to be over there longer - so we sold EVERYTHING - down to the electric can opener. We're still replacing things :-)

But, we are settled and happy - I had missed my friends and family terribly. And we are happy for the new friends we are making along the way.



1 comment:

Paul and Candice said...

So glad to have you back in the blog-world! I can't wait to hear of all your new adventures here! Maybe one day, we could even do lunch now???