Monday, June 9, 2008

Ready to move in.

We are ever so close to moving in to our new place. Since we have completely unloaded in our apartment, I am going to start moving some of our things over today. Which also means I get to take B's car and try to make it to the house on my own. I'm fairly sure how to get there, just need to take it easy, not drive too fast and resist the urge to drift to the left. Wish me luck!
The kids have been very good. I can't imagine how different this must feel to them. Although it probably feels as if we are on vacation right now since the apartment has a pool and play area complete with video games. Still, with all the running around we have been doing, they have really tried hard not to upset the apple cart.
The one that really has it the worst is B. He can't get fully started in his new job until he has us settled - I think once we are in the house, it will get better. I don't get a car for another month or so, so I plan to get better acquainted with the public transportation system. There are bus stops wherever you go - so getting around will not be an issue. And most stores will deliver if you buy a certain amount.
As soon as I get our own internet up and running in our home - I'll get some pictures posted.



Paul and Candice said...

I can't wait to see pictures! The description of the palm trees and such made me want to see it all! I'm excited to read about your adventures in Singapore! I know it will be a relief when you get settled!

K said...

We miss you already! Loved the pictures you sent us. Lem says hello and so does Fish. He became very sad when he realized that S was really moving...

I know how he feels.

Thank goodness for the internet. It helps make Singapore seem not quite so far away!

Tigpan said...

I can't wait to see the picture eiher. i am so excited for you, but I was scrolling through my phone looking for something the other day and scrolled to your name and was missing the fact that you were not at that number!
Loving you journaling about your journey!
Love you much!